Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Parental Units & New Place

Well, we've officially moved into our new apartment (technically a duplex) and I ABSOLUTELY love it! Laundry in the basement that is ALL ours, backyard for Tiny to play (well for now, sit on a picnic blanket while Mommy reads), garage, office, and an actual place to put a dinning room table! There is definitely many more perks to our new digs, but those points are probably my favorite thus far. We still have most things in boxes, but all the essentials are unpacked and in use; also made sure to have Tiny's room all done and unpacked completely!

We can't really afford day care, and so my grand plans forgetting as many hours at work and NOT being a stay at home mom have changed. I am a stay at home mom, but I love it, honestly I do! And I'm planning to soon get serious about my entrepreneur - ness so hopefully that will make me feel better about contributing (plus I NEED something to do too)!

Thinking about getting my Master in Information Technology through online classes, but not quite sure what to do about that just yet.

Today, both sets of parental units came to visit our humble abode and see Tiny of course. Went out for lunch and actually had a great time; talked about wedding stuff, showed off bridesmaid's dresses and shoes, my necklace, and also found a veil in the middle of an intersection on the way back from lunch (could it be a sign that we're moving in the right direction!?).

Not much else to report on. I will get pictures up of the new place once we have everything, or most everything, put away and organized.

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