Friday, December 19, 2008

Snow & Life

Christmas time is here.... Listening to Christmas music 24/7 is really starting to rub off on me, even started humming it at work. Really gets me in the holiday spirit though listening to the Christmas classics :D

Kinda of a win/lose Christmas this year, as I'm gaining a new year with new experiences and new classes, but losing a really good friend. Well, not losing exactly, but she and her husband are moving to Omaha and I won't be able to see her for who knows how long... *sniffle* It's going to be so great for both of them though and I wish them both the very best, I just will miss her terribly...
I love you Rachel!!

Starting to miss my family a lot, though I'm hanging' out with River more to make up for that void in my life... it's working very nicely! I'm getting more and more anxious to move in with him, which will hopefully happen in April, depending on two very stubborn people. We're starting to look at places, and we have one in particular that we both would love to have, as long as the timing works out okay. Sometimes I think it would just be better/easier to just be married first, but I really would like to be out of school before I do that. (Engaged would be okay I guess... :P )

I feel especially blessed this season for all the love and support that my family and friends have given me these past few months. Miss my Grandpa Schu more and more, though I know he's up there in heaven with the Big Guy, probably hunting' some pheasants with my first dog Shelby. I feel his presences stronger than ever this Christmas and am trying to keep up to date with my Grandma. My cat Patch was put to sleep a few weeks ago, as he was old and senile... he was 13 and lived a very happy, care-free life... it will be very weird going home and having Christmas but not seeing him peeking out from under the mountains of wrapping paper.

Next Christmas I have, will be one with River, which makes me feel very blessed.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Adventures to Subway & Lasers

Finally I am at peace!

Woke up at the crack of 7:00am to get up and write my book report assignment. Hung out in the 24/7 lab for about 3 hours and finally got it done! Wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, just sucked that I put it off 'til the last second, but thats usually how I get my essays done. After I got that done, River and I met up for lunch at Subway. I walked there, taking a few pictures as I went and he met me since he was working CSO this morning. He's so cute in his uniform that I always love to see him while he's working! People stared while we ate, since his uniform closely matches one of a police officer, then I went back to my class. Not a hugly exciting day today.

Setting up the Christmas tree finally, as long as Keels is feeling better. She got the 24 hour flu apparently, so I've been keeping my distance (sorry love). I'll edit this and post a picture of the finished tree sans ornaments this year, as long as we actually get it up... who knows.
Got done with class and now am getting ready for work. Played with Teeg a little bit with the laser pointer, it was so cute that I had to take some video of it!

UPDATE: Tree is up & Lit!! Huzzah!!!! Below is the picture and if you can't tell, our tree topper is a Barbie with light up wings... Keels' idea, not mine. (kinda funny though, just don't tell her I said that)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Plastic & Life

Today, was an okay day... The week has only started and I feel like I'm ready to crash! But thats the end of the semester for ya. Felt so good to get my Photography final review done and it went really REALLY well! I was happy all my hard work paid off, even if my photography isn't as "conceptual" as my professor wants it be. Here's one of my photos from my "Go Green" project, demonsrating the derastic number of plastic bags that are in the world but in a more artist context.

The Second picture is from my photo manipulation project which wasn't my favorite but this was the best one that I thought worked. I was supposed to take ordinary things that we see around in our environment and change them into something recognizable. Almost like watching clouds and finding shapes, but in this case I took a tree and changed it!

Finished my last graphic design project for my first graphic design class ever, and I'm really happy with it. We had to create four different "stamps" and then place them together in an interesting way. I had fun! Its kind of funny, but of all the photography classes that I've taken, I have never had a professor tell me that I was doing a really great job or that I had real potential. Yet my first semester, taking my first graphic design class, and my professor says I'm doing a great job and that I am where I should be in school. She even made sure that I was a graphic design major, and I'm pretty sure if I wasn't, she would have convinced me to become one...

Well off to do some more shit that I should have been working on for awhile.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

'Nummies & Play Time

Keels' home-made cookies are AMAZING! I've never been able to be a very good cookie baker for some reason, though other tasty treats don't seem to be a problem for me to handle. Keels on the other hand... master cookie chef! Gotta love the holidays season, if not just for that! *munches on some more cookie*

Teeg was being funny today and playing my video game with me... well more like batting at the screen while I was straining my neck around him to see what I was doing. I managed to get a little bit of his play time on video before he got bored...

... enjoy!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Kitty Dilema & more

Well, my kitten (almost cat i guess) Teeg has peed on my down comforter yet AGAIN! I am very frustrated with the whole thing. The last two times I just took the comforter to the dry cleaners, but this time (because of the face that I do not own a money tree) I machine washed it.... so here's hoping *crosses fingers*

Here's the little bugger :P

Fun night with some gals from work where we watched "Wall-E". Cutest movie ever! Its always nice to get to know some of the girls outside of work in a less-stressful environment. Half of the regular gals are done at the end of the spring semester.... which sucks...

River and I will be starting to look at apartments soon, with a few in mind already. I almost just want this spring semester to be over with so we can just live together already, though I will definitely miss Keels and the Amsters. I just keep getting this ache in my heart every moment that we're apart (which sounds totally corny!) and every day it seems to grow more and more... I basically have to not think about it at all for me to get through each day, but with apartment hunting coming up that will be impossible. I know River is getting frustrated with me as I am always asking him to sleep-over, but I can't help it... *sigh*

I feel I've become an emotional mess!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanks for Being Thankful!

Happy Turkey Day!!

short and sweet