Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Plastic & Life

Today, was an okay day... The week has only started and I feel like I'm ready to crash! But thats the end of the semester for ya. Felt so good to get my Photography final review done and it went really REALLY well! I was happy all my hard work paid off, even if my photography isn't as "conceptual" as my professor wants it be. Here's one of my photos from my "Go Green" project, demonsrating the derastic number of plastic bags that are in the world but in a more artist context.

The Second picture is from my photo manipulation project which wasn't my favorite but this was the best one that I thought worked. I was supposed to take ordinary things that we see around in our environment and change them into something recognizable. Almost like watching clouds and finding shapes, but in this case I took a tree and changed it!

Finished my last graphic design project for my first graphic design class ever, and I'm really happy with it. We had to create four different "stamps" and then place them together in an interesting way. I had fun! Its kind of funny, but of all the photography classes that I've taken, I have never had a professor tell me that I was doing a really great job or that I had real potential. Yet my first semester, taking my first graphic design class, and my professor says I'm doing a great job and that I am where I should be in school. She even made sure that I was a graphic design major, and I'm pretty sure if I wasn't, she would have convinced me to become one...

Well off to do some more shit that I should have been working on for awhile.

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